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What happens to your body if you eat a banana every day?

  Bananas may be one of the most common fruits , as it is preferred by most people, even children and the elderly. It is a nutritious and useful fruit that contains many vitamins and minerals , according to the   American Healthline website. Add to that the ease of chewing it and the sense of satiety it may give you, especially if the banana is large, so it is a good choice for young children and the elderly as well.      

Bananas  are  likely  the most popular fruit  in America, according to  Business Insider  . One of the reasons for its wide popularity may also be that it is very easy to put in a bag or lunchbox; This makes it a very nutritious snack or food item.

For the above reasons, it is likely that there are a large number of people who consume bananas on a daily basis due to its versatility. For example, sliced ​​for breakfast, on the side for lunch, or in juice or  smoothies . But what would happen to our bodies if we ate a banana every day? Let's learn about the benefits of eating bananas daily, according to the  American Mashed  website .

It gives you energy

Because bananas contain three naturally occurring types of  sugar , fructose, glucose and sucrose, they are a popular choice among athletes and others looking for a quick energy boost   . These  three natural sugars  contain the same calories, but the body processes them differently. The fructose and glucose are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, while the sucrose has to be broken down first. This means that the fructose and glucose will provide you with immediate energy, while the sucrose will provide energy after a short period of time (according to  Healthline).

However, it's not just natural sugars that provide energy support. Vitamin  B3  in bananas  can  also help provide energy . In fact, a study found that eating a banana before a 75km bike race had the same effect as drinking a  carbohydrate energy drink  on athletes' performance and endurance.

Reduces muscle tension

Muscle cramps  , or muscle cramps, is one of the unpleasant side effects of doing exercises. It may also happen even though you're not sweating, or only when you're watching TV or walking from one side of the room to the other.

Muscle cramps may occur due to  dehydration  or lack of nutrients. Among the nutrients that have been associated with relieving muscle tension:  potassium   , calcium  , sodium and magnesium  (according to the  American Web MD website). 

Bananas contain three of these four nutrients, and lack sodium. Although bananas contain 9% of the recommended daily quota of potassium and 8% of magnesium, they contain only about 1% of the recommended daily quota of calcium. So while it may help prevent occasional muscle cramps, you should be sure to look for other sources to get the rest of the calcium you need in your diet (according to  Diet and Fitness Today).

Bananas keep your blood sugar levels in check

Bananas rank in the middle on the glycemic index  ,  which is a measure of how quickly a food increases blood sugar levels.

The lower the number (55 or less is considered low), this means that the food in question is digested and absorbed more slowly; This results in a more gradual and slower increase in blood sugar and insulin levels (according to the University of Sydney).

Over time, high blood sugar, as is well known, can cause blood vessels to harden and narrow; Which could eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke (according to Healthline). Uncontrolled high blood sugar in the long term can make the body unable to lower blood sugar on its own, which is also known as type 2 diabetes.

For bananas, the glycemic index is about 30 when unripe, and 60 when ripe. On average, its rank is 51. Hence, bananas will not cause your blood sugar to rise.

It can be useful if you are trying to lose weight

Since bananas contain only about 100 calories and a minimal amount of  fat , they are a great choice if you are trying to lose weight. Not only does this easy fruit provide these essential nutrients, but it also contains substances that help you feel full for longer, so that you are not tempted to start eating something else immediately after.

Bananas that still have some green in them contain something called resistant starch, which are indigestible carbohydrates that work in the  body  in the same way as soluble fiber (dietary fiber) does. Unripe bananas also contain pectin, a fiber-like substance. Furthermore, some people like the taste of chlorophyll that appears in yellow-green bananas, but otherwise, ripe bananas still have dietary fiber.
