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How to lose weight while pregnant without harm to health

How to lose weight while pregnant without harm to health 

In the cold season, I want to eat something hearty, fatty, high-calorie. The need is dictated by an increase in energy consumption for thermoregulation, since the body spends part of the calories to maintain body temperature. Against the background of a changed diet, physical activity decreases. The weather is not conducive to long walks, and autumn-winter drowsiness makes it difficult to fully engage in sports. It is not surprising that by the spring there is a problem of extra pounds, which requires an urgent solution.

The desire for quick results often conflicts with the consequences. An unbalanced diet, which many diets offer, does not have the best effect on mental activity, the work of the heart, liver, and musculoskeletal system. How to organize nutrition to lose weight without harm to health? Read about the rules of safe weight loss in the article.

How to lose weight without harm to health?

Before embarking on any diet, doctors recommend undergoing a medical examination. First, the diagnosis will help to find out the cause of excess weight. Secondly, assess the general state of health, identify contraindications. Thirdly, make a diet taking into account the deficit (surplus) of bioactive and nutrients.

Before weight correction, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound scan to find out the structural and functional state of the thyroid gland, pelvic organs, and digestive system.

An important study for proper nutrition is bioimpedancemetry - a method for diagnosing body composition (fat, fluid, bone and muscle mass).

The laboratory complex includes blood tests:

  • General clinical. It will allow you to detect changes in microbiological reactions inside the body, identify inflammation, anemia, and a tendency to allergies.
  • Biochemical. Indicators of glucose, ALT, AST enzymes will help identify prediabetes, malfunctions in the liver.
  • lipid profile. Handed over to assess fat metabolism, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • Specific (for pancreatic and alpha-amylase, lipase). Determines the degree of enzymatic activity of the pancreas, the speed and quality of digestive processes.
  • For the content of vitamins and microelements. Helps to detect a deficiency condition that limits the range of diets.
  • On the hormones of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland. Hormonal disorders are one of the main factors that prevent you from losing weight.

Women are advised to take a blood test for sex hormones, do a pregnancy test. In the perinatal period, severe dietary restrictions are prohibited.

With the results of examinations, you need to contact a nutritionist. The doctor will advise additional pharmacy products for weight loss , taking into account the state of health, and will also help you calculate the minimum daily allowance of calories and nutrients in order to make the right menu.

Rules for safe weight loss

For those who want to properly deal with excess weight, doctors have developed the basic principles of safe weight loss:

  • Healthy body and mind. The beginning of the diet should not be accompanied by acute respiratory viral infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases, intense mental, mental and physical stress. The transition to a new menu is stressful for the body, and adverse conditions will only intensify it.
  • Planned. The desire to lose weight quickly leads to an unjustified reduction in diet. Malnutrition causes energy deficiency, low performance. A safe result is -1.5 kg per week.
  • Caution. Refusal of familiar products often causes a feeling of hunger. Self-administration of appetite regulators can cause side effects. Before choosing a drug, you need to consult a doctor.

  • Moderation. It is better to adjust the diet gradually. The body may respond to a sudden entry into a new nutritional system with nervousness, drowsiness, and indigestion.
  • Diverse menu. Of those foods that this or that diet allows, it is advisable to cook different dishes. The monotony in the plate will quickly get bored, then it will begin to annoy.
  • Drinking mode. With food restrictions, one should not forget about the loss of fluid. Insufficient water intake leads to a violation of the heartbeat, drying of the skin, constipation, changes in the structure of the hair.
  • Boycott fast carbs. Without giving up refined sugar, confectionery, sweet desserts, it is almost impossible to lose weight. The source of glucose may well be fruits, berries, pumpkin, beets, legumes.
  • Vitamin and mineral support. To increase stress resistance, the body needs additional nourishment in the form of pharmacy vitamins and dietary supplements . Means should be selected taking into account the results of the analyzes.

Weight correction during pregnancy must be agreed with the gynecologist. Rash dietary changes often result in nutritional deficiencies associated with perinatal risks.


The traditional approach to weight loss is based on fractional meals in small portions. Daily calories are divided into five meals - three main (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two snacks (lunch, afternoon snack). The interval between meals should be 3-4 hours. If desired, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir at night. Such a schedule helps not to starve and not overeat.

New trends in nutrition are dictated by intermittent fasting. The diet consists in alternating "hungry" and "full" intervals in accordance with the selected scheme:

  • 16/8 (16 hours nothing to eat, for the next 8 hours - eat without special restrictions);
  • 14/10 and 20/4 (time is distributed identically to the first option);
  • 5/2 - schedule for the week (5 days to eat normally, 2 days to fast on the water).

Fans of intermittent fasting claim that the method helps to speed up metabolism, burn fat, and increase body tone. Antagonists believe that the diet disrupts circadian rhythms, digestive processes, leads to insomnia, constipation, bloating, and gas formation.

Physical activity, exercise

No nutrition system will work if the calorie content of the diet prevails over energy costs. Nutritionists advise moving in two directions at the same time - reduce calories and increase energy expenditure.

Physical activity should be feasible:

  • morning exercises and long walks - daily;
  • classes in the gym, swimming pool - 2-3 times a week.

Of course, you can quickly lose weight by exhausting yourself with training, but over time, the body adapts to the stress. In order not to gain weight again, you will have to live in the “intensive” mode all the time. It is very difficult to maintain such a rhythm.

Diets and contraindications

A healthy diet based on a balanced diet has practically no contraindications. Only the norms of the KBJU need to be corrected.

Health restrictions are typical for most irrational nutrition systems in which the balance of nutrients is disturbed:

  • rigid diets - “cold”, “model 2468”, “maggi”, “goddess diet”, “Chinese blitz diet” and others;
  • mono-diets - the use of one product or one group of products for a long time, for example, "chicken", "dairy", "cucumber", "citrus", etc.
  • different types of fasting (on mineral water , without water, interval, complete, incomplete, partial).

The famous "protein diet" can not be practiced in chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. Pescatarianism is not suitable for people with allergies to fish and seafood. Kefir diet is contraindicated in gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Fasting is prohibited for children, adolescents, women during pregnancy.

When choosing a diet, doctors advise focusing on the principle "to treat not the disease, but the patient." The diseases may be the same, but different treatment regimens are prescribed for different patients. In other words, don't blindly follow standards. Based on a suitable power system, you can adjust it to fit your needs.
