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Your grandmother, your mother and maybe "society" didn't tell you about it, facts about menopause you should know

“Suddenly, at the age of 43, I started having severe bouts of sweating at night. All I knew from my mother about menopause was that she faced it at the age of 45… She didn’t tell me more about it because her mother never explained to her about menopause!” British actress Naomi Watts's words about menopause sum up the history of a "taboo" passed down from generation to generation in a disguised way. And the result? At the age of 40 or maybe 50, and during one night you will face symptoms that you have not been told about before, which may leave you not only a physical impact, but also a psychological one.

 Know that your relationship with the age of menopause (unfortunately called menopause previously) may be more than good if you prepare physically and psychologically for this stage... Therefore, it is time for you to know information about menopause that you may not have heard of before.

First, what is menopause?

Menopause is the period during which the body prepares to enter menopause and menopause. It is generally accepted that menopause occurs one year after the cessation of menstruation. But actually, according to scientific studies, the symptoms of menopause may appear much earlier. (more details below)

What are the symptoms of menopause?

  • Flashes of sweat at night.
  • Irregular menstruation.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Severe pain in the head.
  • Dryness in the vagina.
  • Unexplained nervous seizures.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

Facts about menopause 

  • You may be one of the women who suffer from the symptoms of menopause at the beginning of the age of 40!

If you're in your early 40s and you hear the phrase, "You're too young to experience menopause," simply ignore it! Symptoms of menopause, in a small percentage of women, may begin at the beginning of the age of 40 (as is the case with Naomi Watts) and may not appear before the age of 50 or even 55!

  • Sweating flashes can be hard!  

Sweating bouts or hot flashes (which occur during the night hours) that warn you of the onset of menopause, are not like the bouts that come from hot weather, for example! These flashes vary in intensity from one woman to another and are often very severe, accompanied by a rise in body temperature and shortness of breath. They are very normal symptoms, do not be afraid, but make sure to reduce their severity by staying away from spicy foods, caffeine, tight clothes, and stay away from heat.

  • Don't be shocked...but the symptoms of menopause can last for more than 7 years

Yes, this is what was indicated by a study conducted by a team of specialists in the American Medical Association JAMA , through which it was found that the symptoms of menopause begin 3 years before the cessation of the menstrual cycle and may continue for 4 and a half years after it.

  • Even if menopause symptoms appear, pregnancy is a possibility!

Entering menopause (that is, the period in which symptoms begin to appear a year before the cessation of menstruation), does not mean that the incidence of pregnancy has become zero! Entering this stage results in a decrease in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, and thus a decrease in the ability to produce eggs, and not to stop producing eggs 100%. So if you feel menopause has knocked on your door but you haven't stopped menstruating yet, chances are you are pregnant.

  • No, your symptoms of menopause are not the same as your mother's 

If your father suffered from severe symptoms of menopause, this does not mean that you will suffer from the same severity of symptoms. Many studies confirm that the symptoms of menopause have nothing to do with the genetic factor.

  • Don't make prejudices! Menopause does not mean the disappearance of pleasure during sex

It is true that the menstrual cycle is interrupted and the levels of many hormones in the body decrease, the vagina becomes somewhat dry and the muscles surrounding it lose elasticity. This may sometimes lead to pain during sex. How to avoid that and keep the fun during the menstrual cycle? First, know that exercise has a great impact on maintaining the health of the vaginal muscles, especially Kegel exercises. Secondly, you can resort to lubricating or moisturizing creams for the vagina. The most important thing is to consult a specialized doctor, who will guide you to the right path to maintain a healthy sexual relationship with your partner after menopause.

More information about the vagina

  • We assure you that you will lose control of your nerves... Don't be afraid, it's normal

Quick science fact: You and I, and all women, are twice as likely to suffer from depression and anxiety as men! What if this is accompanied by a hormonal imbalance during menopause? In fact, with the onset of the symptoms of menopause, you will inevitably go through nervous attacks during which you lose control of your nerves for no real reason. But we repeat, do not be afraid, as they are natural symptoms as a result of an imbalance in the hormones responsible for the ability to bear.

  • But do not ignore these symptoms if they persist for a long time, as your mental health is under threat! 

It is true that going through nervous bouts, anxiety, depression, and crying for no reason are all normal during menopause.. but they should not last for a long time, that is, more than a year, and you should not face them frequently and severely! Then your mental health is threatened and it is necessary that you consult a specialist who will help you get through this stage. However, reaching this stage cannot be described as normal, but it is very likely, because a change in body shape, weight gain, and hot flashes...all of this may exacerbate nervous attacks and plunge you into a spiral of depression.  

  • So menopause has something to do with weight gain? surely

Low levels of female hormones, especially estrogen, affect not only the reproductive system. These hormones have an impact on the body's energy, the ability to sleep soundly, the rate at which the body burns calories, and of course the appetite that increases during this period. Therefore, the body becomes more prone to storing fat and thus gaining weight
