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Tips to stop eating sugar

 It is true that sweets are one of the most delicious foods on earth, but their abundance causes many serious diseases, especially diabetes , heart diseases , strokes and weight gain , and if you are addicted to them, you must stop that immediately.    

Stay away from sweets

These tips from registered dietitian Kelly LeVeque will help you create a solid plan to reduce your sugar intake and survive those difficult moments, according to the   American magazine Greatist .

Note: Before we begin, keep in mind that 4 grams of sugar equals one teaspoon, as this will help you visualize your sugar intake as you go through .

Tips for eating less sugar

Sugar isn't bad all the way, but it's definitely better to eat less of it, and we're talking about avoiding added sugar, not the sugar found in whole foods, like the fructose in fruit or the lactose  in  milk.

Know the ingredients in your favorite products

If sugar is in the first three ingredients on the ingredients list, it is best to avoid this product.

Stay away from sugar forever

Soda may not be your go-to drink, maybe you prefer frozen yogurt or desserts, or maybe your favorite is a sugary milk latte.

Whatever the case, you may want to reduce the amount of added sugar you consume each day.

If you are not the type of person who quits their habits suddenly and without gradualism, try as much as possible to replace your habit with a drink that contains less sugar, or completely without sugar, so that you are less emotionally attached to it.

Consider switching to flavored sparkling waters, or fruit infusions, before your soda addiction swallows you up.

Gradual replacement means weaning away, so remember that the ultimate goal is to kick the habit completely and for good.

Do not forget that economy is the secret. For example, if you used to drink soda twice a day, you should first reduce your intake to once a day, then once every two days, and so on until soft drinks are out of your regular diet. The same applies to other sugary foods. Like candy and ice cream.

Learn to spot hidden sugars

Sugar is often found   in processed foods in a hidden way, disguised under its scientific name, so try to discover  hidden sugars  by searching for words that end with the “ose” syllable, such as the following examples:

  • sucrose
  • maltose
  • dextrose (dextrose)
  • fructose
  • glucose
  • galactose
  • lactose
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • glucose solids

There are also sugars that do not end in “ose  ”  , such as :

  • agave cactus;
  • Sucanat sugar lozenges
  • Brown rice syrup
  • Evaporated cane juice
  • invert sugar
  • Eat your morning protein

Eating protein can help lower neuropeptide Y (aka NPY), a hormone released in the brain and nervous system that "stimulates" appetite for carbohydrates and sugar.

Keep your blood sugar under control

Nutrition labels vary in how they identify added sugars. Sometimes product makers group natural and added sugars together under one heading, while others devote a separate section to “added sugars.”

Knowing how foods raise blood sugar is also key to maintaining everyday health, especially for people with diabetes and metabolic diseases.

That's why it's important to understand how a food will affect your blood sugar level, because controlling your blood sugar is critical to overall health. In addition, foods high in added sugar negatively affect your blood sugar control and may increase cravings for sugary foods.

You can calculate the net carbs in a meal by subtracting the fiber from the total carbs, and we recommend eating high-fiber foods to keep your blood sugar balanced.

Tips to stop eating sugar

It's also a good idea to add fat or protein to meals that contain more than 25 grams of net carbs. An extra amount of fat/protein can help support your body's blood sugar balance.

Stop drinking sugar 

Sugar doesn't just come in the form of a white powder or your favorite chocolate bar. The sugar you consume in beverages contributes significantly to your daily intake. So one of the easiest ways to reduce your sugar intake is to cut out liquid sugar.

Drinks containing liquid sugar

  • soft drinks (soda)
  • juices
  •  Sweetened coffee
  • Focus on eating the 4 amazing ingredients

The Amazing Four Ingredients is a simple template that helps customers remember the nutritious foods they should be eating, including:

  • protein
  • Fats
  • fiber
  • Vegetables

These foods can help flatten the blood sugar curve (to provide energy and supply the body needed to smoothly kick the snacking habit), support hormone secretion, and microbiome proliferation, to help keep the body healthy.

Eating the four amazing ingredients also calms many of the hormones associated with hunger and can help reduce appetite, as:

Fat, protein, and fiber stimulate the digestive peptide hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), the “satiety hormone” that can help you feel full.

Protein and leafy green vegetables increase glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which has a role in lowering blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

Eating a meal based on fiber and protein may increase concentrations of PYY, peptide YY, which is the appetite-controlling hormone. 

Drink more water

Start your day by drinking two large glasses of water to help rid your body of toxins and lower blood glucose levels. It is even more important to drink water when you feel dehydrated after staying up all night.

When you become dehydrated, your  blood volume decreases, while your blood glucose level remains the same. This means that your blood naturally contains more sugar. In other words, your sugar concentration becomes higher.

Dehydration can hinder your ability to control your blood sugar, so make sure you're drinking enough water.

Avoid snacking late at night

Late night snacks can be an excessive amount of sugar that finds its way into your body during the early hours of the day, if it makes you hungry before  bed .

So, instead of giving in to snacks, give in to sleep.

Late-night snacks can be an excess of sugar that finds its way into your body during the wee hours of the day, if it makes you hungry before bed.

Here are some tips that may help you postpone the bouts of hunger that push you to swallow everything you can reach until the morning, if you find yourself craving sweets before bed:

Brush your teeth :  I don't think you've ever tried to drink anything but water while enjoying fresh mint-smelling teeth. It gives you enough time to brush your teeth until the urge to eat is gone.

Go to bed early :  To be honest, sleeping early is great anyway, but if you find yourself craving sugar, go to bed before things get worse.

Drink some  tea :  Some herbal or black tea (preferably decaffeinated  )  can give you a strong flavor without getting you drunk late in the day.

Busy yourself :  Picking up a book and distracting yourself can be a good way to take your mind off snacking (unless you're reading a Game of Thrones book that's chock-full of food descriptions).

If you intend to have a snack, keep it simple and healthy :  sometimes you will find yourself genuinely hungry. In this case, foods low in carbohydrates and calories become the best solution, especially with your body's ability to benefit from simple nutrients during rest.

Remember that eating sugar can prevent you from sleeping, knowing that not getting enough sleep can negatively affect your health in several ways.

So it's important to try to get the recommended amount of sleep (7 to 9 hours if you're 26 to 64 years old, and 7 to 8 hours for those over 65).

So, turn off the TV, put away your snack, stretch out and get some rest. This may help you in various ways.


There are many ways to reduce your sugar intake, but an important first step is to know how to calculate your daily intake and adjust it so that it doesn't interfere with your sweet taste.

It's easier to change the foods you eat if the alternatives taste good, so eat whole foods, look for hidden sugars in beverages and processed foods to avoid, and learn to read and understand nutritional labels.
