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Reasons why your skin is dull!

 Skin care products   like serums try to improve  your complexion . But the radiance  and freshness of the skin  is the result of rest, adequate sleep  , daily meditation and many expensive facials.

But getting that glow you thought was just out of reach might just be about identifying the root causes of dullness and addressing those issues.

There are a lot of factors contributing to  a dull complexion  . And while some of them may be beyond your control, there are some steps and tips that you can follow to take care of your skin  and make it glow.

In this report, we will discuss 8 main causes of dull  skin  and how you can deal with it.

Not eating enough antioxidants

Oxidative stress is another major skin problem—and it doesn't just cause dullness, it can lead to  dark spots , sagging,  collagen loss , wrinkles , dryness , sensitivity , and  basically every other skin concern  . It is caused by an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body.

Cells naturally produce free radicals. During metabolic processes, cells also produce antioxidants to neutralize free radicals.

But if your body is deficient in a healthy level of antioxidants or if you are exposed to a lot of external free radicals, this process is not working properly. This can lead to  an oxidative imbalance , which in turn leads to dullness of the skin complexion.

The solution

In addition to eating a varied base diet, look for a quality supplement that can help neutralize oxidative stress: look for powerful antioxidants, such as astaxanthin, pomegranate whole fruit extract, and  ubiquinol  .

Astaxanthin's Outstanding Ability to Help Support  Skin Health Proven One Scientific Review of Antioxidants Several comparative studies of astaxanthin and other antioxidants have shown   it to be the superior antioxidant in enhancing the function of dermal fibroblasts (or what helps form skin cells, elastin, and  collagen ) . .

Whole pomegranate fruit extract is one of the best sources of the  antioxidant polyphenol  known as ellagic acid. This fruit has been shown   to have some photoprotective  properties , which can help deal with oxidative stress caused by UV rays .  

Another popular antioxidant supplement that supports healthy skin is ubiquinol coenzyme Q10. This antioxidant has shown skin elasticity and smoothness in clinical trial research while reducing  wrinkles  and fine lines, helping with the overall texture and appearance  of skin . 


Polluted air is harmful to the environment and your skin. Its tiny, toxic particles, like carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxide emissions from cars, not only pollute the surface of your face, but also clog pores and reduce oxygenation. Not only that, but fine particles - like  PM10  - are so small that they can get into  your pores , causing  inflammation . So your skin looks suffocated and dull. Polluted air also creates free radicals on the skin; Which threatens your skin to age, and causes wrinkles and uneven  skin tone . 

The solution

With all this pollution that can't be controlled even when you're not outside, it's imperative that you wash your face every night before  bed  to remove dirt, oil, residue from previous skincare products,  and  air pollutants that can clog pores, cause irritation, and contain free radicals that lead to oxidative damage to skin cells. .

Accumulation of dead skin cells

Here's the good news, the top layer of your skin is dead skin cells, and that's a good thing! They help protect other skin cells and form your skin barrier. However, sometimes the accumulation can be too much.

Therefore, the skin is constantly getting rid of dead cells, and its buildup on your face can lead to a  dull complexion appearance  . There is a very crucial step you need to take if you want to make sure that dead skin cells are removed: exfoliation!

The solution

Gently exfoliating is essential to unclog pores and remove excess dead skin cells while preventing pollutants, dirt, and bacteria from gathering. Exfoliate your skin carefully once or twice a week. Weekly exfoliation not only removes particles, but allows the vital skin cells underneath to show through, resulting in a  glowing complexion  .

general dehydration

Dehydration is the cause of many health problems, including skin problems. Not drinking enough water is the archenemy of beautiful, dewy, glowing skin. Dehydration prevents your skin from performing essential functions, such as cell turnover. This results in a buildup of dead cells on the surface, which leads to clogged pores, congestion, and dull skin.

But sometimes water just isn't enough, and thank goodness there are hydrating beauty products that can come to the rescue.

The solution

There are a lot of opinions about how much water we should consume. The National Academies  of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine  recommend  a daily fluid intake of about 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids per day  for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids per day for women.

Research shows that drinking enough  water  can increase skin thickness. Besides water, you can reach your daily intake of  other beverages  and foods  . Skin serums, creams   , and cosmetics  are also your friend: Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, a super-absorbent sponge-like molecule found naturally in the body that helps your skin retain water. Then seal in all that moisture with a face cream or lotion, which can help prevent transepidermal water loss.  


The relationship between stress and skin health is a complex one. The sudden onset of  stress  triggers the fight-or-flight response. As more circulation is diverted to vital organs, such as  the heart  , brain  , and lungs , blood flow is drawn away from your skin, including your face.

Less circulation means   less vitality. Over time, chronic stress can cause your cortisol levels to rise; causing inflammation throughout the body; Which again leads to  a dull complexion  .

The solution

Try to control your stress! Be it by meditating, enjoying the comforts of home, or spending quality time alone. Meditation has been shown   to improve the barrier function of the skin and the ability to heal wounds. Another option is to try immediate skin de-stressing techniques:  breathing has become  the go-to for many experts.

Your skin microbiome is out of control

Like the gut, your skin has its own ecosystem made up of millions of bacteria, fungi and viruses . Maintaining a  healthy skin microbiome  is essential to glowing skin and overall skin health. A balanced skin microbiome protects   your skin, including your face, from harmful organisms while ensuring your skin produces enough nutrients and maintains a balanced pH.

An imbalanced microbiome cannot effectively protect the skin, which leads to  various problems  , from dull skin to atopic dermatitis.

The solution

Many harsh skin care products strip away your skin's natural pH, so be sure to use products that respect and support your skin's pH and microbiome. Skin care products are your best bet for supporting  proper skin barrier function  . You'll also want to make sure to protect your lipid layer with rich vegetable oils and butters (the lipid layer plays an important role in the health of your skin's microbiome). Finally, use a topical antioxidant to boost the skin's immune function.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep  can affect your skin and imbalance the dermis, leading to dryness and lower pH levels in your skin. The result is an unhealthy appearance that looks dull, dry, uneven, and likely to have spots. While you sleep, your body works to remove dead skin cells, making way for new cells.

But with a lack of sleep, you're depriving yourself of this essential cell regeneration, and depriving yourself of that beautiful morning glow.

The solution

First and foremost, do your best to get a good night's rest. Sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, but most healthy adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep a night.

Make a good sleep environment a priority, such as sleeping in a comfortable bed in a dark, quiet room that's neither too hot nor too cold. You should also try to go to bed at the same time each night. 

You can also benefit from certain products, such as diffusing lavender essential oil, using dimmable light bulbs, and protectors for tablets and phones.

Age-related collagen loss

Young skin maintains   its elasticity and radiance due to its high content of collagen, as well as elastin and water. But as  the skin  ages, the body's production of it decreases.

The solution

You probably know that there is no panacea for turning back the clock. However, there are valuable lifestyle choices you can make to slow the depletion of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Taking  vitamin C helps form collagen and  hyaluronic acid . Eating foods rich in the vitamin, such as oranges, red peppers, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and strawberries, as well as nutritional supplements is very important.

You can also boost your  natural collagen production  by taking a  hydrolyzed collagen peptide supplement . They have been shown to support normal collagen levels by  improving  the function of fibroblasts, which produce collagen and elastin themselves. Other foods like bone broth contain a more bioavailable form of  collagen , which your body can use when you ingest. Other collagen-supporting foods include  chicken, fish, shellfish, egg  whites,   berries, and  leafy green vegetables .

Avoid consuming too much  sugar  and too many  refined carbohydrates  , which can cause inflammation and damage collagen. High levels of sugar can   harden and break down collagen, weakening the skin's foundation and promoting premature skin aging. And make sure to  always wear sunscreen  ! UV rays activate enzymes called   matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which break down collagen .
