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Steps to follow to treat puffy eyes

Steps to follow to treat puffy eyes

 Questions about how to get rid of eye puffiness, pockets and dark circles in that area of ​​the face will always be one of the most puzzling skin questions that never seem to go away.

Although there are countless  cosmetic products  that claim to help remove puffiness and lighten the area under the eyes, the vast majority of them do not produce the desired results.

Drinking more water and applying cold compresses can help   reduce eye puffiness and dark circles immediately, but the only way to truly reduce their appearance permanently and in the long term is to make some lifestyle changes in general. Especially if  eye puffiness  and dark circles are hereditary across generations.

In this report, we review the causes of puffiness and halos in the lower eye area, and how they can be removed by following some instructions and changes in your daily lifestyle.

What is puffy eye?

Bags under the eyes occur when  the weak, sagging skin  underneath relaxes, forming a bulging bag under the eye.

Excess fluid in the body can also collect in that area, making the lower eyelids look more swollen. Dark circles or changing skin under the eyes lead to eye bags appearing more clearly.

Unattractive bags under the eyes are considered one of the most pressing aesthetic problems for sufferers because of their great impact on appearance. Although harmless in most cases, sometimes it can be a sign of a medical condition that requires treatment.

What causes bags under the eyes?

The most common cause  of puffy eyes  is  aging . As we age, we experience a loss of fatty filling and collagen  under the eye, which is the main component of connective tissue in skin, muscles , and  other parts of the body, explains All About Vision.

Decreased levels  of collagen cause  a loss of elasticity and tone of the skin and underlying muscles throughout the body. Of course, this sagging is particularly noticeable around the eyes; Because the skin there is very thin.

Other factors that contribute to the development of puffy eyes include: fluid retention in the body, chronic medical conditions such as  thyroid disease , infections , allergies , stress , eye fatigue, smoking, lack of sleep, and genetic facial characteristics.

How can work to treat the problem?

As we mentioned earlier, there may be some causes for puffy eyes, and according to  Vogue magazine  , care and beauty , you must first look for any health reasons behind the problem.

Reduce salt intake

Vogue also noted that sometimes salty foods are a "common cause of water retention" in the body, and water retention is one of the factors that can affect eye puffiness.

And if you have a lot of salt in your body, the water will move towards the area where there is more  salt  to reduce its concentration. The remedy for this is to take  collagen supplements , and any foods that contain vitamin A such as carrots and sweet peppers, as well as  foods  rich in vitamin C  that are useful in resisting this, because they are anti-inflammatory and water-soluble. Pineapple also contains   bromelain, which prevents swelling and bloating in the body.

Treating health conditions that may be causing the problem

The magazine pointed out that it is important to review a health professional to ensure that the bags and pockets of the eyes caused by bloating are not linked to a larger health problem. By examining the functions of the thyroid gland and testing for allergies, or suffering from sinus infections, as it is possible that “these cases cause inflammation that takes the form of prominent pockets under the eyes,” so searching for a treatment for the underlying condition is the first step to addressing the appearance of swollen eyes.

And while  menstruation  isn't a health "problem," it's important to keep in mind that your period can play a big role in eye puffiness, too.

Green tea compresses and cold compresses to treat puffy eyes

 Caffeinated  tea bags can be used   under the eyes to help treat eye puffiness and dark circles as well .

According to Healthline, the caffeine in tea contains powerful antioxidants and may increase blood flow to  the skin . It also protects against UV rays  and  some studies suggest that it slows down the  aging process .

Green tea has been specifically touted by researchers for its potential anti-inflammatory effects.

To prepare tea compresses:

Steep two green tea bags for 3 to 5 minutes in hot water.

Let the tea bags cool in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

After that, squeeze out the excess liquid and apply it to the under-  eye area .

Leave the tea bags for 15 to 30 minutes at a time.

Applying cold compresses to the area of ​​eye swelling can also help blood vessels contract quickly and achieve temporary relief, and with persistence, it will work to reduce the size of swelling, according to Healthline.

Treating puffy eyes by getting enough sleep

WebMD explains   that sleeping enough hours a day, and reducing exposure  to anxiety  and stress , are among the most important points that should be worked on to treat puffy eyes.

For example, are you someone who sleeps on their side or on their stomach? Because sleeping on the stomach and face causes gravity to cause fluids to collect under the eyes. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep on your back and use a pillow that fits your neck to ensure the highest quality sleep. And because raising the head above the level of the body reduces the accumulation of fluids under the eyes.

In addition to how you sleep, how much you sleep is also an important factor. Although lack of sleep may not cause circles and bags under the eyes, lack of sleep can make  the complexion  pale in general. Thus, the eye bulge appears more clearly.

Adults are supposed to get 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night. According to the  Mayo Clinic website ,  if you're having trouble getting restful sleep, try these tricks:

1- Try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, or a regular bedtime and wake-up time.

2- Avoid  drinks  and foods that contain  sugar  and caffeine 6 to 12 hours before your bedtime.

3- Avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking before bedtime.

4- If you suffer from nighttime hunger, have a small meal at least two hours before bed.

5- Finish all strenuous exercise a few hours before bedtime.

6- Turn off TVs, cell phones, and other electronic devices at least an hour before bed.

Remove makeup before bed and use sunscreen during the day

It is important  to wash your face  with a non-foaming, natural cleanser before bed each night to remove impurities and dirt accumulated during the day. There are several reasons why you should not sleep with makeup on .

First, if you sleep with mascara or any other eye makeup on your eyes, you can: irritate your eyes, develop an allergic reaction, get infections, redness, puffy eyes and other symptoms too.

Some say that forgetting to wash your face before bed can cause wrinkles or damage the skin in other ways. Because it exposes the skin to free radicals that have the ability to create so-called oxidative stress, which may lead to premature aging of the skin.

When should a specialist dermatologist be consulted?

Some cases of under-eye puffiness may be the result of an infection or other medical problem that needs special attention. Therefore, you should see your doctor if your puffy eyes are severe and long-lasting, or are accompanied by pain, itching and redness, or affect other parts of the body, such as the legs.

Your doctor may offer some long-term solutions, such as prescription creams or other treatments that reduce swelling and discoloration of the skin under the eyes. Options include:

Laser therapy

Chemical peel

Filler injections to treat swollen eyelids

In some cases, these treatments may need to be repeated for best results.
