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Yes, a pregnant woman can get breast cancer, and this is what she should do

  It is true that breast cancer affects one pregnant woman out of 3,000 in the world, especially for those over the age of thirty. However, the possibility still exists and women should be aware of all the details and symptoms that they may face. So, in this article, we will answer all the questions that may come to your mind. 

Do pregnant women get breast cancer?

Pregnancy and childbirth are among the physiological processes that play a major role in protecting women from cancer, especially breast cancer. However, genetic defects and development of cells in a woman's body may occur in some rare cases and she may develop cancer during pregnancy. 

Why do pregnant women get breast cancer? 

It is possible to develop breast cancer during pregnancy, although it is one of the rare cases, but it does occur, and it does not have a clear cause, but it may be related to some hormonal disorders or weak immunity.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer for a pregnant woman?

Symptoms of breast cancer during pregnancy are the feeling of excessive and exaggerated changes in the breast, and we enumerate the most prominent symptoms as follows:

Swelling in the breast: The pregnant woman notices swelling in the skin of the breast or the appearance of a prominent mass in the affected breast, which is considered an indication of the possibility of breast cancer.

Pain in the breast area:  The pregnant woman feels some pain and aches in the affected breast area.

- Changes in the nipple: a shrinkage in the size of the nipple or an increase in its thickness may occur at times.

Swelling in the armpit: A pregnant woman may notice the appearance of tumors in the armpit area.

Breast heat and redness: One of the symptoms of breast cancer is also the pregnant woman feeling very hot in the breast area, and sometimes it turns into severe redness.

Does breast cancer affect the fetus during pregnancy?

There is no scientific evidence that cancer harms a child, however, treatments do have risks. Surgery is generally considered safe during the first 3 months of pregnancy, and if the cancer is still in its early stages, the doctor will likely recommend removing the suspicious mass, i. It may harm the fetus.

During breast cancer surgery, the doctor will check your lymph nodes to see if any are affected, and will often remove those where the cancer is most likely to spread. If you need chemotherapy, your doctor will usually wait until after the first trimester, to reduce the possibility of harming the baby. Advanced breast cancer usually requires both surgery and chemotherapy, so the risk to the baby is higher, and the decision whether or not to undergo treatment can be a very difficult one.

Does breast cancer affect lactation?

Breast cancer in itself is a non-communicable disease, and therefore it does not affect the child through breastfeeding, but what affects the child is the leakage of chemotherapy into breast milk and the negative impact on the child's health.

What is the treatment for breast cancer during pregnancy?

1- Surgical treatment

One of the most common treatments for breast cancer during pregnancy is surgical treatment, and it is resorted to after conducting analyzes and examinations that prove that the cancer that a pregnant woman suffers from is in a very advanced and dangerous stage. The determination of surgical treatment is also distinguished according to the age and condition of the fetus. Surgical treatment is by removing the entire breast, not part of it, because when a part of the breast is removed, the pregnant woman may have to undergo radiation therapy that affects the fetus and causes birth defects.

2- Radiation therapy

In the case of radiotherapy, the treatment takes place under the supervision of specialized doctors in order to determine the exact time to undergo radiotherapy. If the woman is pregnant in the first months of pregnancy, then the medicines are suitable for her and do not cause any harm to the fetus or affect it. This is because there are many chemical drugs that cause serious harm to the fetus and cause it to suffer from many diseases and congenital malformations, or it may be born early.
