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The truth behind Spam Score and is it an influential factor?

The truth behind Spam Score and is it an influential factor? 

The term “spam score” became popular several years ago when MOZ launched this

 feature in its browser bar as a way to help website owners know the quality of the sites from which they get backlinks.

It is known that this criterion depends on 27 factors to evaluate the spam score of external links that your site or competitors' sites get, and gives the score for each site from 1 to 100.

Below is an explanation of why spam score is considered a deceptive factor!

#1 (Low Pages) :

 Moz rates any site with a low page count as a site with a high Spam Score.

While in fact, there are millions of service sites that do not exceed 5 or 10 pages, but are of high quality and are visited by millions of users every month because of

the important information they provide.

No. 2 (Domain Extension) :

 Moz classifies any domain with an uncommon extension such as cc, or .pl as having a high Spam Score.

While in fact, buying domains with a .com or .net extension is not much different from buying domains with a .cc or extension, in the end, all of these domains are for Google, regardless of what these sites offer.

Number 3 (Domain Name Length) : 

Moz classifies long-name domains like as having a high Spam Score.

While in fact, this matter has nothing to do with spam score or not, as the length or shortness of the domain name has nothing to do with the quality of what this site offers, and therefore its classification as spam is completely wrong.

#4 (No Google Fonts) 

: Moz rates sites that don't use official Google fonts as having a high spam score because only spam sites use unofficial Google fonts.

While in fact, this also has nothing to do with the quality of what the site offers, but may be related to the lack of experience of the programmer or designer and its reliance on external lines, so it is illogical to classify these sites as sites with a high spam rate.

Number 5 (No Phone Number) 

: Moz rates sites without a phone number as having a high spam score because spam sites usually do not have a phone number.

While in fact, this is also completely wrong, as there are millions of information sites that provide articles and explanations to users that do not provide a technical support service or have a phone to receive calls.

This list goes on to include many other factors that Moz categorizes as indicators of sites with a high spam rate, such as:

  • Not using Google Tag Manager
  • Not using DoubleClick Tag
  • No links to Linkedin
  • No email
  • Using Meta Keywords Tag
  • Low traffic according to ClickStream data
  • The page title is too long or too short
  • The page description is too long or too short
  • There is no icon for the site in the browser Favicon

All of these factors are not an indication or conclusive evidence that any site should be classified as infringing or with a high spam rate.

For this reason, we always advise not to pay much attention to the spam score feature in Moz or similar features found in any other tool, as it depends on its own algorithms that have nothing to do with the way Google relies on evaluating sites.

And make sure that your first criterion for evaluating the site is its strength in search engines and whether it tops the first results or not, does it get visits from search engines or not, because based on this criterion you can know whether Google actually trusts it or not.

Finally: Your disavowal of links with a high spam score through Google's Disavow Tool does not change the percentage of spam on your site on MOZ, as the MOZ tool has nothing to do with Google and does not know whether you disavowed the links or not.

The only solution to reduce spam score is to permanently delete links from the mentioned sites, which is often difficult to achieve and for this particular reason we assure you that you should not pay attention to this factor and not worry about it when you get backlinks or buy a new domain
