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Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

  “Set and forget” - most often this factor becomes decisive when choosing an intrauterine device as a method of permanent contraception. Are there other benefits to the IUD? Who is it not suitable for and why?

The intrauterine device is one of the methods of long-term contraception: it is established for a period of 3 to 5 years, depending on the drug chosen. Easy to use, effective and affordable, the contraceptive has won the trust of many patients and gynecologists: it is chosen by more than 20% of women in Russia and 150 million worldwide. What is his secret?

What are spirals?

Female spirals can resemble a ring, have an F- or T-shape, as well as antennae at the end for easy extraction. In addition, there are:

Pros and cons of the intrauterine device

  • CU coils containing copper - for those who are not suitable for hormonal drugs;
  • LN coils with the hormone levonorgestrel.

How does the Navy work?

The contraceptive coil “slows down” the spermatozoa and thins the endometrium, as a result of which the fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterine wall.

CU coils do this at the expense of copper, which induces an acidic environment in the uterus and increases white blood cell levels. In hormonal coils, the leading role is played by progestin, which doses into the uterus and increases the viscosity of the mucus of the cervical canal.

What are the benefits of the uterine coil?

  • Both types have 99% efficiency: less than 1 case of conception per 100 patients occurs per year of use.
  • Pregnancy is possible already 30 days after the removal of the drug.
  • Does not affect libido, imperceptible and imperceptible, including during sexual intercourse.
  • Safe during lactation: the amount and composition of milk does not suffer from this.
  • Hormonal spirals have a therapeutic effect and are used in the complex treatment of hypermenorrhea, severe pain during menstruation, endometriosis and uterine fibroids.
  • Are there any downsides?

    The intrauterine device does not protect against STDs. Therefore, if the partner is unstable or unexamined, use a condom.

    Another serious drawback is the high risk of ascending infection and inflammation in the first month after installation. If antibiotics do not help to cope with this, the spiral will have to be abandoned.

    In 60% of women, irregular or constant scanty spotting is observed. It is impossible to predict their appearance or completely get rid of them, the only way out is to change the method of protection.

    In one of 20 patients, due to the individual anatomical structure, the coil is not retained in the uterine cavity and falls out a maximum of 3 months after insertion.

    In 50% of women, menstrual bleeding completely stops, which is not dangerous and quite normal, but can be psychologically uncomfortable.

    Other possible complications

    • In 2 out of 1000 cases, during insertion, the coil can damage the wall of the uterus. In this case, the patient will need treatment in a hospital.
    • Copper-containing drugs increase the incidence of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. Hormonal - contribute to the formation of ovarian cysts.
    • Both types of coils increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
    • About 10% of women using hormonal coils report increased headaches and acne, increased soreness of the mammary glands, weight gain unrelated to diet or lifestyle.

    Who won't fit?

    Contraindications to intrauterine contraception are:

    • anomalies in the structure of the uterus that will interfere with the installation;
    • acute inflammatory pathologies of the pelvic organs, as well as STDs;
    • oncology of the reproductive organs;
    • allergy to components;
    • vaginal bleeding of unknown origin;
    • postpartum sepsis.

    Which is better - a spiral or birth control pills?

    Pearl Index*From 0.2From 0.3
    The need for controlInstalled and removed by a doctor.It is recommended to take every day by the hour. Missing an appointment reduces the effectiveness of the method to 91%.
    Is it suitable for nulliparousYes, but it is traditionally recommended for women who have already given birth because of the risk of infertility due to inflammation if the drug is not administered correctly.Yes
    PriceFrom 7 to 13 thousand rubles, which will easily pay off in 1-1.5 years.From 600 rubles per package for 1 month.
    Cancer and cardiovascular risksReduce the risk of hyperplasia and endometrial cancer.Estrogen-containing drugs increase the risk of developing breast cancer, venous thromboembolism and myocardial infarction.
    SmokingmaybeIt is not recommended, because estrogens double the toxic effects of nicotine, aggravated diseases of the circulatory system.

    *The lower, the more reliable the contraceptive, provided it is used correctly.

    In our center, you can put the Nova T uterine coil with a contraceptive effect of 98%. However, in order to choose the optimal means of preventing unwanted pregnancy, it is best to consult with an expert gynecologist.

    The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to use. Do not self-medicate and self-selection of contraception! Be sure to consult with a specialist.

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