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Local SEO A comprehensive guide with steps 2023


Local SEO A comprehensive guide with steps 2023

If you own a website and target a specific country and want to outperform your competitors to lead the search results of your business in the same country, here is the solution, which is to subscribe to Local SEO services (Search Engine

Optimization 2023) for the country you are targeting . Many advantages and great importance that we will learn about now through our article in Seo Right .

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is one of the marketing methods for websites within a specific country to advertise the brand and get double visits from your primary audience in the country through search engines such as Google. 

for example:

If you own a site for a cosmetic medical clinic in Egypt and want to outperform your competitors, the best solution is to improve your website inside Egypt to target your audience, or that means improving the site in local search results pages (Local SERPs) in front of target customers looking for medical places cosmetic, or they are looking for a medical cosmetic service, and so on in any other field.

The Importance of Local SEO

Optimizing local search engines or local SEO, we find many advantages that made a large percentage of sites resort to it in order to improve their ranking in Google, and we will mention the importance of improving local search engines, local SEO now:

Reach approximately 64% of local customers online.

Local SEO improves the ranking of results in search engines.

The return on local SEO is faster and more extended in the long run than marketing ads.

Brand fame and spread of your career.

Helping the public find you to find you and your workplace.

Local SEO is an alternative to costly advertising campaigns.

Convert a large percentage of target customers into actual customers.

Gain the public's trust in your business and gain beneficial relationships with your business.

Is there a difference between Local SEO and Website SEO?

There is no difference between local SEO and website SEO in the goal, because both aim to develop and improve the results of your site in search engines and bring more traffic, and the difference is only in the implementation.

Local SEO differs only in the executive style, as it aims to improve your local workplace and the visibility of your brand and its reach to your already target audience.

We also find that this type of SEO includes small but more relevant goals for your service.


Website SEO or Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) optimizes your site according to the key words and phrases your audience is targeting to search for you.

And don't worry about Google, because it understands the audience that is looking for a general result from the audience that is looking for a local result. 

How to use local SEO?

After completing the concept of local SEO, you must know the mechanism of the process or how to improve local search engines for your website, and this is what I will explain now, so focus with me to get an advanced ranking for your site.

How to use local SEO

Before you start planning, you should put yourself in the place of the visitor, for example:

 If you are looking for a beauty clinic, the first thing you will care about as if you are a visitor is the quality of the service provided and that this clinic is close to you or not, and you will also ask about the reviews of other visitors to this place important matters.

You will also be asked about past experiences, successful cases, and whether the place is reliable or not, so you should pay attention to the results of local SEO improvement and put yourself in the visitor's place and think with his mind.

After the question, you must answer all the questions that will come in your head when you put yourself in the place of the visitor, in order to win the visitor and provide him with what he wants and he will be chosen on your site.

After you put yourself in the visitor's shoes, you should start with the actual steps to use local SEO to grow your brand and improve your website's ranking according to the usual SEO which are:

 Competitor analysis.

 Keyword search.

 Define a content plan.

 Layout for link building.

 Technical search engine optimization within your website pages.

 Focus on local results.

 Add location in google maps.

 Gaining local external signals.

 Web content development.

 Putting contact information.

 Website responsiveness with all devices.

 The site is free of any technical problems.

 Ensure a good user experience.

 Sign up for Google My Business.

Top 10 Steps to Improve Local SEO

And all of these things in order for you to follow to improve your website, you can follow the following steps:

Keyword Research

You have to research competitors first in order to use competitors to help you extract keywords for your site plan.

For example, “best medical beauty clinic in Heliopolis” targeting this word in your website and in your content as one of the main methods of local search. 

As saying “the nearest plastic surgeon is in Heliopolis” is easier for many people who do not like to write.

You can use several tools that make this step easier for you, for example:

  1. KWFinder .
  2. Google Trends.
  3. Google Keyword Planner.
  4. Ahrefs.
  5. Simrush.
  6. Ubersuggest.

Register your company in Google My Business

Google offers the Google My Business platform , which provides all companies with the ability to register all information related to your business for free from a detailed address of the headquarters and available branches, contact numbers for your business, official working days and hours, website link for your business, photos of your business internally and externally.

So if you have a business, you should take advantage of this service provided by Google to achieve the best possible results, and you should be aware that Google My Business allows you to register the following items:

Business Classification

The address of the headquarters or branches of the commercial activity.

Contact numbers for your business.

Website link.

Description of the business.

A list of the services and products you offer.

High quality panoramic images of headquarters and branches (360 degrees).

A short promotional video of no more than 30 seconds.

Add contact information for the website

Providing contact information and a detailed address is one of the most important basics when creating a company’s website or business activity, so be sure to add them on the site and confirm whether this information is correct or not, and the contact information is as follows:

  • contact numbers.
  • E-mail.
  • The address of the head office of the company.
  • Company accounts on social media.
  • The location of your business on Google Maps .

But it is important to know that paying attention to these elements helps you achieve the best results in Google, and you should be careful to include all addresses and all contact information within the Contact Us page of your site.

This is because the geographic location mentioned on your website is targeted by search engines when showing local search results.

Register your location on Google Maps

Registering a site on Google Maps is one of the most important steps to improve your site's ranking in search engines.

You can also register your business address on Google Maps through the following steps:

  1. Go to google map.
  2. Find the address using the search bar in the upper left corner of the page.
  3. Click "Add a site" in the sidebar that appears.
  4. Add Add location, name and category.
  5. Then click on Submit.
  6. By doing this, you will have added your site and your business to Google Maps.

Website Content Configuration

The development and configuration of the website content with words and phrases targeted by the visitor in the search is one of the reasons for the success of the site appearing in the targeted search results of the already targeted customers, so you should improve the content of the site as follows:

The use of keywords and phrases used in the search within the meta-tail and meta-description, this helps in increasing the click-through rate on your CTR pages.

For example, if you have the word (beauty clinic), it must be mentioned in the title and description as shown in the image:

Put the most popular questions that your potential customers use to search for you within your blog content or in the Askma FAQ if your site is WordPress.

For example, if you have the word (dermatologist), it should be mentioned in the FAQ as it is intended for the audience, as shown in the image:

Putting local search words related to your field or business in the description and titles of images and videos (Video Transcript - Images Alt tags).

Mentioning words in alternative texts is important because it opens up an opportunity for you to rank with images in Google, for example (if you search for a video on a website), we find that images with alternative texts containing phrases appear to you, as shown in the image:

Add target words within the subheadings and in the paragraphs of the pages of services that you provide to your audience.

Ensure that the website copy is responsive to the phones 

Smartphone users occupy the largest proportion of local searches, so you must make sure that your site is compatible with mobile phones, and do not worry, you can make sure that the copy of the site is responsive to phones through the mobile friendly test tool

Ensure that the site provides an excellent browsing experience

For the user to choose your site, you over other competing sites must provide a website with an easy and fast design, and the design should be responsive to all devices, desktops and phones, and this is called Responsive Design.

You can check the integrity of your site and the absence of any problems with the codes through the validator site , which is the best browser for detecting errors in HTML and CSS codes, and whether they are compatible with international standards for codes or not.

You can find out the speed of your site and whether it is suitable for the user or not through PageSpeed ​​Insights , it is the best site to measure the speed of the site and its pages, and it also shows you the errors that cause slow pages if they are slow.

Register in business directories

Registering your site within business directories is one of the most important points you need to follow to gain a better Google ranking, but the directories must be relevant to your business and industry.

Among the most important business directories that include various activities and you can register with them are the following:

Google My Business

Facebook Business

LinkedIn Directory for Companies

Yellow Pages



Increase the rate of positive evaluations of your business

Improving your website's ranking is preferred by Google if it has high positive ratings indicating the goodness and quality of your service.

Therefore, you should consider positive and good ratings to appear in local search results with businesses that are already trustworthy by your target customers.

The most influential ratings in search engines are the ratings obtained by your website on its pages in social networking sites, Google My Business ratings, and Yelp ratings.

Therefore, you should stand out and present your service well in addition to providing the appropriate explanations and solutions to the needs of your business customers, in order to get positive and good opinions and ratings from customers, which are known as Positive reviews & ratings, such as Skima WP-Post Ratings.

For example (if you are searching for beauty clinics, you will search for the most positive rating, you can also show the audience rating in Google by using Skima WP-Post Ratings, and you will allow the audience to rate and show the rating in Google, as shown in the image.

Gain more local external links which are known as Local Backlinks

To get more external links that are local and relevant to your site, you must develop a careful strategy to build a network of external backlinks.

Obtaining backlinks from specialized, relevant and effective entities is one of the important steps that help you achieve greater credibility for your website in local search engines.

Examples of local sites that you should take care of and acquire external links, including the following:

Corporate websites.

Business websites and forums related to your business.

Reliable and prominent blogs in your field of business.

Local business directories.

Local websites and forums for evaluating products and services.

With this, I have finished clarifying the 10 most important points and steps that will help you improve your site’s ranking in Google, and although it takes a long time, it is considered the best to reach target customers for free, and for a long time, unlike quick marketing ads, whether on social media or on Google.
