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How can a website get high quality backlinks in 2023

How can a website get  high quality backlinks in 2023

In fact, it seems very difficult and complicated, but with more research and hard work, any website owner can develop a model strategy that matches the content and customization of their site to get backlinks that push their site forward.

The most important thing that you will discover in this article is your knowledge of the best and most powerful strategy for obtaining high-quality backlinks , just as SEO experts do.

Let's delve into the topic of getting backlinks to your site.

6 characteristics that determine the quality of backlinks

Sure, every website owner looking for external links for his site wants those links to be of high quality and bring real and tangible benefit to his website, but how do you know that the backlinks you intend to get are of high quality?

Any backlink contains 6 characteristics, when these characteristics are achieved together, this means that the backlink is strong and high quality, and these characteristics are: relevance, traffic, authority, quality of the link profile for the domain, quality of links from the site, the ability of the domain to be indexed in engines search.

Let's now take a detailed look at the quality characteristics of backlinks.

1- Relevance

Relevancy is the relevance of the site from which you intend to obtain the backlink, to the topic or content of the page you intend to link.

On this matter, John Mueller (a search expert at Google) recently stated that relevance is more important than the number of backlinks to a website.
We try to understand how relevant an external link is to a website, and how much we should weigh these individual links, as the total number of links doesn't matter at all compared to their relevance. John Mueller (search expert at Google).
In short, every website owner should focus their external link building efforts on opportunities related to the content of their site.

The following figure shows the relevance hierarchy, which explains the importance of the relevance of the external link to the content of your site, compared to the importance of the number of backlinks.
It is not complicated at all:

the chances that you can build backlinks that are 100% relevant to the content of your site are very few, but in any case you should focus on those opportunities first.

Then, you can move down the relevance pyramid and start looking for links that are less relevant to your site's content.

That is, you should set your priorities, and determine your chances of getting external links according to the relevance of your site's content with the links available to link to.

Although relevance is one of the most important characteristics to consider when developing a backlink building strategy, there are some exceptions that make relevance not a prerequisite for a strong backlink:
  1. If you have a chance to get backlinks from sites with high reliability and high domain authority, such as famous official news sites.
  2. If you have a chance to get a backlink from educational sites whose domain ends with .edu, such as university sites, schools, and official educational bodies, or government sites whose domain ends with .gov, which are very strong opportunities to strengthen the link profile of your site.
Another very important thing:

the relevance hierarchy changes if you want to improve the appearance of your website pages in Local SERPs.

In this case, you should focus first on geographically targeted opportunities, and then gradually expand in terms of the geographical scope that you want to target and the appearance of your website pages in it, whether it is in regional or global search results.

By following this matching strategy, you will be able to create a strong, more natural, and relevant Links profile.
Of course, getting a strong and high-quality backlink does not depend only on the appropriateness of the link with the content of your site, but there are many other factors and characteristics that you should focus on and take into account.

2- Traffic

One of the important characteristics of the websites that you want to get backlinks from is the traffic and the rate of visits to those sites. The higher the traffic from search engines, the higher the quality and strength of the external links you will take from them.

Think about it a bit.

If there is a site that gets organic traffic from search engines, that site is likely to be trusted by search engines, then it will be a great opportunity to get a backlink from it.

In short, sites that are trusted by search engines, with high organic traffic are valuable opportunities to build high-quality backlinks.

You can find out the traffic of any website using the analysis tools from SEMrush and it looks like this:We then move on to more features that must be available in the website from which you intend to obtain the backlink.

3- Domain Authority

Perhaps one of the most important reasons why website owners look for opportunities to get backlinks is to strengthen the authority of their website's domain. The authority of the domain of the site from which you intend to obtain the backlink contributes to raising the authority of the domain of your website.

So you should keep the authority of the domain of the sites you are going to put into your backlink building strategy.

You can check the authority of a site’s domain, by means of the famous Ahrefs tool , but you should also bear in mind something very important, the more powerful the website from which you intend to get a backlink, and the higher its domain authority, the more difficult it is to get the link .This is what makes these links more valuable and reliable, which is also what makes them worth the effort.
Another major reason that website owners look for good opportunities to get backlinks is to build a strong Link Profile for their site to earn the trust of search engines and advance their website's pages in the SERPs.

So it's only natural that the site you want to get a backlink from has a strong cookie, as Ahrefs and Moz metrics can be manipulated in a number of ways.

Including that these sites may have obtained links from sites with a high domain authority, but the quality of the links is poor, and links are spam and unreliable for Google and other search engines.

For this reason, it is better for you to analyze the link profile of the site manually before getting a backlink from it.Use the link checking tool from Ahrefs and filter the links for the Dofollow attribute.

Verify that this website is getting high-quality backlinks from sources trusted by search engines, so that your site's domain isn't negatively affected.
When you as a site owner find a good opportunity to get a backlink from another site, think carefully that there are hundreds of sites that have had that opportunity before, are those sites that took backlinks from the site you want to get backlink from good? Are they trusted by search engines and provide value to the visitor?

It is likely that the search engine trust of your site will suffer if you get backlinks from sites linked to by a number of other sites that are classified as malicious or untrusted sites, because we previously agreed that the site's domain authority number is sometimes deceptive.

So it would be better if you analyze all the outbound links from the website you are targeting to get your site backlink from, and know how good, popular and reliable those sites are with Google and other search engines.

Go to Ahrefs Tools and go to Ahrefs Site Explorer, analyze the site link, and navigate to the linked domains under outgoing links.Check all the links to the linked sites, and ask yourself :
  1. How are these sites linked to the site you are targeting to get backlinks from?
  2. Are the sites linked to it relevant?
  3. Are outbound links reliable and popular on search engines?
  4. Are they natural backlinks or do they feel like paid links?
Your answer to these questions will definitively determine the validity of this website for obtaining a high-quality and reliable backlink from it, and it will positively affect your site and help its ranking and reliability in search engines.

6- Indexable

Do you think that if your site gets a backlink from a site with a domain authority of 90, it will be effective and positive if the content page that your domain links to is not indexable?

The answer is: Of course not, this backlink will be of no use.

It doesn't matter which backlink comes from a page that isn't indexed in a search engine, which is the most important thing to check before you get the backlink from a site.

Let's say you want to get a backlink from a content page that already exists on a website.

Open your browser, copy the link of the page you intend to link your site to, and go to the address bar.

Paste the link you copied, and before it add site: so that the link will look like this:
If the page you want your site to link to appears on the search results page, make sure it's indexable and backlinkable. If it doesn't, don't waste your time and look for another site.

Now you should have known all the features of the website you intend to get backlinks from, to get high quality and powerful backlinks.

One thing that remains no less important than the above is the backlinks that you should absolutely avoid.

Types of backlinks you should avoid

There are three types of opportunities available to get backlinks, but we do not recommend them at all due to their insignificance, and the possibility of negatively affecting the strength of your site domain and the confidence of search engines in it.
Most of the potentially useless sites, and more harm than good, are websites that have no relevance to your content, do not get traffic from search engines, and contain outbound links to untrusted sites.

1- A network of private and public blogs

You've probably heard about the Private Blogs Network and the Public Blogs Network, which are a little different from each other.

But getting backlinks from public or private blog networks is always fraught with risks, because they are not compliant with the policies and guidelines of Google and other search engines, and sooner or later will surely expose your site to search engine penalization.Public blog networks are nothing more than link farms that can be easily discovered by search engines, and they are completely unreliable, and links out of them are considered useless and useless even if their domain authority is high.

Example of a network of private and public blogs: They

are those blogs that were created specifically to get backlinks from some site owners, and over time became farms to get backlinks even if they were from unrelated sites.
Any links intended to manipulate the PageRank or the site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of the link scheme and a violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behavior that manipulates links to your site or links from your site.
While backlinks from a private blog network or a public blog network violate the quality guidelines and webmaster policies of Google and other search engines, that doesn't necessarily mean that they won't help you rank permanently, but to a very large extent their help will be temporary, only until the search engine discovers those links It is analyzed.

Therefore, building links using these strategies is considered risky, and in some cases, it may cause your site to be subjected to manual action by the search engine, and may even remove your site permanently from the index.

In the best case scenario your website page ranking will drop, so it's best to avoid those strategies for getting backlinks from the start.

2- Get backlinks from comments on blogs

Even if the backlinks are from Dofollow comments, we do not recommend them at all, especially with the new updates to the search spider algorithms.The strategy of getting a backlink from comments on blogs has been a strategy followed by millions of website owners and bloggers, but recently, with the wrong use of that strategy, these backlinks have hit the benchmark quality of backlinks.

If you look closely at the backlinks in the comments on some blogs from thousands of websites, you won't want your website to be in the same source.

3- Get backlinks from web 2.0 platforms

More than ten years ago, in 2011, Google released an update called Panda. This update made backlinks from web 2.0 platforms less valuable, but why?

In fact, not all backlinks from web 2.0 are bad and worthless, but if the number of links coming from them is few and of high value, for example, getting one backlink of this type per month may not be harmful to your site.

When should backlinks from web 2.0 platforms be avoided?

Web 2.0 platforms are blogging platforms such as WordPress, Wox, Tumblr, and Blogger.

All of these platforms allow users to create websites and blogs on sub-domains, such as:
And so on. In the past, website owners sought web 2.0 backlinks to take advantage of the power of the main domain domain, but with the new updates to search engines algorithms, backlinks from sites with subdomains have become useless.So, if you want to put some web 2.0 into your website's backlink building strategy, first make sure that those websites and blogs run on a main top-level domain, provided you don't over-build backlinks of this type.

What is the right number of backlinks?

There is no set number of backlinks you have to follow, the number of backlinks your website needs depends on what you are trying to achieve, whenever you want to target keywords to rank and get traffic through, you will need to build backlinks.

You are likely to get your website ranking by building a few backlinks, but this will be to target keywords with low competition in terms of search volume and strength of competition.

In short, the best way to find out how many backlinks your site needs, is to examine your competitors' sites, and this process is called backlinks gap analysis.

1- Define the target keyword

Targeted keywords are the search terms that the target audience and potential visitors use in search engines, when they are searching for a specific piece of information or an answer to a question, and usually targeted keywords are search terms consisting of at least two words and not individual words.

Keyword targeting directly helps to rank web pages in search results pages, which contributes to the site getting organic traffic, whether it is a long-term or short-term targeting plan.

Google and other search engines use keywords that describe the topic of a web page, to determine what content is relevant to a particular search query by an audience.

Googlebot and Bingbot search spiders and bots collect information from web pages for archiving and placement in the search index.

Once you have finished researching the keywords that you intend to target, you should start on a strategy to increase traffic for those keywords.

Now you will, of course, have a comprehensive idea of ​​the level of competition for each keyword, you can determine the amount of opportunities available to rank the web page targeting the keywords you have selected.

However, if competing websites have a domain authority above 70 and occupy the top six or seven positions in the SERPs, it may not be worth competing for those keywords, at least until your site is competitive, strong, and has a high domain authority.

In this case, it is better for you to focus on the long-tail keywords, as they will be significantly less competitive for ranking.

The first position on search results pages gives you 30% more traffic than the second position on average.

The second place also gets 21.47% more traffic than the third place.

As for web pages ranking in 10+ positions, they get less than 2.43% of the traffic.

That's why you should be reasonable when targeting a specific keyword, and your biggest goal should be to get keywords that have low competition, with the web page likely to rank first or at least second in search results pages.

2- Create content that is better than your competitors in terms of SEO

When you create content to target a specific keyword, you should analyze at least the first five competitors on the search results page, and create content that is better than them in terms of SEO, by covering all aspects of the topic, increasing the number of words but without filling at all, by distinguishing them with graphics, Such as: photos, videos, graphs, and motion graphics.

3- Decide how many backlinks you need

With Backlinks Gap Analysis, determine the number of backlinks your competitors use to rank their web page, and then determine how many backlinks you need to rank on.

Backlinks Gap Analysis is divided into two main parts:

First, analyze how many backlinks your competitors have.

Use the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool to analyze competitors for the keyword you intend to target.

Scroll down to see the competitors.

From the Ahrefs toolbar, click More, and open Domain Comparison in another tab.

Enter the domains of the top 4 competitors for your target keyword and enter your own domain as well.

Now you will see the number of backlinks for your site's domain, and the site domains of your competitors.

You will find the backlink gap between your site and competitor sites, and if the gap is not that big, or your site is ahead of the competitors in terms of the number of backlinks, you may not need to build more backlinks to improve your web page ranking.

Second, go to the next part of the backlink gap analysis.

You will then need to analyze the quality and strength of the backlinks that your web page will need to target a particular keyword, and the page ranking in search results pages.

You can use the Ahrefs KD Scale Tool to get a rough estimate of the strength of your keyword competition.

Accordingly, you will be able to determine the number of backlinks, and their quality, to start developing a strategy through which your web page will rank better than your competitors.

The last step that you should do carefully is to know the Domain Authority of backlinks built by your competitors.

Therefore, rank each competitor's backlinks in terms of domain authority.

With this, you will know exactly how many backlinks you will need and the authority of each domain you need to link to in order to rank your web page.

The real benefit of this is that you will be able to estimate the budget that you will need to build backlinks.

By reviewing in detail everything that came in this article on how to develop a strategy to get a strong backlink, you will easily be able to know the backlinks you need to link your site to, and the strategy you can build to rank your website pages.
