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Do you want to get a backlink related to the content of your site?

 Do you want to get a backlink related to the content of your site?

Today we present to you the top 10 backlink sites that allow you to get high quality backlinks for free, that will help you improve the quality of your link profile and build backlinks for the keywords you target within your site pages.

First Site:
Page Authority: 95
Domain Authority: 99
Number of Lrds About: 649 thousand Domains
Alexa Rank: 52 Backlink
: Do Follow

Reddit allows you to add content from any page on the Internet and it is voted negative or positive by the site's subscribers worldwide. Some links and featured posts are preferred overReddit homepage owner of Page Authority 95 and backlink Do-Follow for your site. In addition to backlinks, Reddit is one of the most innovative social networks for content, which means that it has become a network that has an influential role in Social Signals. Having more links from Reddit will improve your ranking and traffic at the same time.

Second site:

Page Authority: 91
Domain Authority: 91
Number of Lrds about: 86 thousand domain
Alexa Rank: 4.368 Backlink
: Do Follow

Storify is the natural development of WordPress, it allows you to write content in the form of short stories so that it is widely shared, it first aims to change the form of informational content to an interesting and interesting form, and this site provides a wonderful blogging platform through which you can write any content You want it, whether in Arabic or in English, and the topics that get most views are preferred on the site’s home page. Your chance to write a special topic through Iwriter or Odesk may allow you to get thousands of visits and a backlink related to your site’s content from a large site like Storify

Third Site: BlogMarks Page Authority: 86 Domain Authority: 83 Number of Lrds : About: 22,000 Domains  Alexa Rank: 31,816 Backlinks : Do Follow

BlogMarks is one of the 5 largest Blogging Archives in the world. It was established in 2003 to be a reference for all blogging on the Internet. The site is not for profit and allows free registration. You can now register a new account within the site and publish high-quality content to get a backlink related to the content of your site. BlogMarks is another site that prefers some links and sites on its home page to get thousands of visits and backlinks from one of the leading sites in the world

Fourth Site: Favable
AlBid Authority: 50
Domain Authority: 40
Number of Lrds About: 200 Domains
Alexa Rank: 75.588 Backlink
: Do Follow

Favable website to prefer links on the Internet in the form of BookMarks, but they are automatically shortened with links, which facilitates the process of publishing them on various social media platforms, the link carries Redirect 301 and passes the authority inside it for your site or page, the site is free and registration does not take more than 3 minutes and you can prefer All your site links by bringing them into the RSS feature and getting many useful backlinks for your site, especially your new topics in search engines

Fifth site: Instapaper
Page authority: 79
Domain authority: 87
Number of Lrds about: 15 thousand domain
Alexa Rank: 9.600 Backlink
: Do Follow

A new way to get Signals completely different, the site that cares about Mobile Search is ahead of its competitors who neglect this point in the search engines, Instapaper gives you the ability to save your favorite links on the Internet with special encoding for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone, after adding links within a control panel Your account will get a short link to your website Do Follow + Signals Mobile Search, which enhances the chances of this link being the first results in search engines

Sixth site: Hatena
Page Authority: 57
Domain Authority: 49
Number of Lrds about: 2000 Domain
Alexa Rank: 69.076 Backlink
: Do Follow

Hatena is a distinguished Blogging system that allows you to register an account and get a casting domain. On this topic, write short posts of no more than 250 words containing the K-Word that you target within your site to get a backlink de-follow related to the content of your site, do not exceed this number because Hatena is nothing but a Micoblogging service

Seventh site: Netlog
Page Authority: 53
Domain Authority: 78
Number of Lrds: About: 50 thousand Domains 
Alexa Rank: 3.108 Backlink
: Do Follow

The first Social Network gives you do follow links, and allows you to blog on your personal account. You may have heard of this site before, but you have not heard about the blogging feature provided by this wonderful site. After you register a new account, you can create your own blog on your personal account and start blogging and adding The links to your site that you want to get a backlink for. What distinguishes this site is that it will give you strong backlinks and social signals at the same time.

Site 8: Rediff Page Authority: 87 Domain Authority: 84 Number of Lrds : About: 50,000 Domains Alexa Rank: 284 Backlink : Do Follow 

If you do not know Reddif, you are missing out on a lot, a great site to get Social Signal and Backlink do follow at the same time, one of the largest Social Networks after Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, sign up for a free account and log in to your account and start blogging links for your site To get backlinks and Social Signals together, this site will help you to strengthen any new topic within your site and push it to the first pages within a short period.

Ninth site:
Page Authority: 91
Domain Authority: 90
Number of Lrds: About: 71 thousand Domain
Alexa Rank: 693 Backlink
: Do Follow is the text version of Pinterest. It allows you to create Boards in which you share your site links to get backlinks. connects the different Boards through tags and members' profiles, which helps in getting A greater authority for your board and therefore the links to your site that you share on it

Site 10: Postagon
Page Authority: 54
Page Authority: 47
Number of Lrds About: 1500 Domain
Alexa Rank: 315,901 Backlink
: Do Follow

Postagon is a new blogging platform in the world of blogging, a very special microblogging service that allows you to get backlinks through your short posts that you publish . Only 250 words max, this form of blogging is much better than bookmarking at getting backlinks.

These sites have been carefully selected based on many factors, the most important of which is the quality of the backlink that you will get from them and that it is identical in one way or another with the content of your site and I made sure that these sites do not have any resemblance to spam or Link farms, but on the contrary, some of these sites have double strength on the one hand Backlink and Social Signal together

If you benefited from these sites … feel free to share the topic on Facebook or Twitter
. If you have any suggestions for other useful sites, leave a comment below.
